Gail Robertson

You know when you think you’ve thought of everything you could possibly need or want for your website, because it’s your business so it’s your priority right? Yeah, well, you haven’t.

Sarah has though. Hiring Sarah means she will think of it for you. She’s that good, dear reader.

She cares so passionately about getting it right for you and she does just that!

I contacted Sarah to build me a small website, nothing too grand. Must take payments. Customer details. Contact forms. Blog. Automated responses. Easy to update monthly. Save the rhinos. Create world peace. You know, nothing too complicated.

Oh, and on a three week deadline. Go ahead. Laugh.

She did it. She did it better than I could have ever dreamed! An absolute perfectionist and consummate professional. Highly recommended.

There’s not much I bother putting pen to paper for. I’m busy and if I pay for something to get done, I expect it to get done.

But. When someone exceeds your expectations SO vastly, I think that needs shouting about.

I’m shouting about Sarah. She is genuinely the best programmer I’ve used and I won’t ever use anyone but her again. Dynamite!

Groomed By You