When I first hand over a website to a client, typical feedback is something along the lines of, “It looks fantastic! We’ve got a few changes we’d like to make…”
A list of minor tweaks and adjustments is expected; I call it a “snagging list”. Sometimes, though, the list includes changes that will have a negative impact on the user experience, or even BREAK the website. For example; I once completed a site for a client who wanted the link to their product catalog — the primary focus of their website — removed from the main navigation menu. On another occasion, my client decided that he didn’t want his site to look different on a smartphone than it did on a desktop and he insisted on having the full-size site simply scale down to look like a miniature version on smaller devices.
In cases such as these, I argue. Repeatedly, if necessary. I’ve never worked with anyone yet who doesn’t appreciate what I refer to as my “virtual arm wrestling” over choices I disagree with and, in my opinion, I wouldn’t be doing my job properly if I didn’t do it.
I wouldn't be doing my job as a professional if I didn't challenge what my knowledge and experience tell me are bad decisions.
When I’m working with a client, my job as a professional is to use my knowledge and experience to produce a web site that communicates with their target audience; one that generates interest and turns visitors into customers. That’s what they trust me to do for them — it’s what they pay me for and I take that very seriously — it’s a responsibility that I’m passionate about.
At the very least, when a client is determined to stick to their guns and reject my advice, the decision they make is an informed one.
There. I’ve said it.